God's Perfect Timing

Despite Our Delays


10 February 2016


This thought. I noticed that the more I delayed, the stronger the desire developed. It was no longer just a calm contemplation, but shifted into something I was supposed to do.  It was now something I was being commanded to carry through. It grew in aggression.  Soon, the reminders came moment by moment, during pockets of mental downtime – while riding the subway, or while walking from the subway to my job, or while out for a run in Central Park.  I agreed with the agenda and vowed that  ... Read More



A Tree of Life

Distinguishing Divine Desire


25 January 2016


As my 32nd birthday approached, I prepared to move into my dream apartment!  It was located in Kansas City’s Plaza area, in a section known as Poet’s Corner.  How appropriate for a poet!  The building was designed by a female architect and built in the 1920s along with a series of buildings – each one named after a famous poet. I felt like I was living in New York City again, but this time, in the New York apartment I had always wanted, but never had. My favorite room was the solarium. I pictured myself setting up a writing desk in there ... Read More



Getting In Touch

The Sweetness of the Sabbath


12 June 2015


My friend and I took a sabbatical once in a fancy hotel in order to focus on our various artistic endeavors with uninterrupted bliss.  She's a dancer, and I'm writer.  We decided to turn off our phones, text, email, social networking, and all distractions and noise.  Since our hotel stay was 20 hours, I called this "The 20 Hour Sabbatical".  Initially, the feeling of being disconnected from the world, my family, my business and my friends was uncomfortable.  It felt like something was missing.  As I was getting in the shower a few hours into the sabbatical ... Read More



Do You Mind Waiting?

15 Dec 2014


Lately God has been encouraging me on the blessing in 'waiting' ... waiting for a job, waiting for the right person to marry, waiting for prayers to be answered ... waiting, waiting, waiting!  This morning I prayed, Open my eyes to see You, open my ears to hear You, and expand my heart to understand You.  In this season of waiting God seems to be quiet, and I often wonder if I've missed Him.  This afternoon I stopped by Starbucks to grab a coffee and sit and work for a few hours.  When I ordered my drink, the woman who took my order asked me, "Do you mind waiting for two minutes while it brews?" ... Read More



Friend of God

9 Dec 2014


One recent shabbat morning, during a time of worship, a burden from the Lord came upon my heart, in which I began to feel the disappointment of God. A deep sadness came over me.  During the preceding week I had been praying about the theme of friendship and had asked, "What does it mean to be your friend?" That morning, He began to show me the type of friend He longs to have. He showed me that the majority of His so-called friends, those who are by known by His Name, do not follow Him ... Read More




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